Sunday Social Meeting
Sunday 1 March
2pm - 4pm
No Changeover, so no need to arrive until 2pm.
This months meeting will be a hands on meeting. Less business, more socialising and getting familiar with the Art Whitsunday Website.
We plan to create a collaborative artwork for the banner of the Website and give members support and help in setting up a profile page in the Website Gallery.
Ross and Michelle will be available to help you set up your login and profile pages for the Website. Help you resize photos and give detailed demonstrations on how to get your artistic profile out there on the web.
If you would like to take part in the website set process, please register by return email and I will book you in. You will need to bring your written text describing you, your artwork, your works style (anything that you think readers will want to know about you and your artwork). Then bring 2 or 3 images to add to the site. You can add more later if you choose.
If you are a bit tech savvy. Try to get your images the right size, 800x600 and 128kb max size. This will save a bit of time. Michelle and Ross will be able to convert your images if you don’t know how to do this.
A great opportunity to get some help. If you have a laptop you would like to bring, you can login to the TARGET free internet and get started straight away.
Annual Exhibition
Update of progress with the Annual Exhibition, entry forms, conditions and categories available soon.
Further info on the upcoming workshops in preparation for the ANZAC exhibition as well as the Annual Exhibition.
See you Sunday.
February Social Meeting
It was great to see so many people attend our first meeting of the year. 25 members enjoyed the informative talks by Rob Kenyon and Bonney Bombach in the first of our Professional Development meetings. We have a lot of talented people and we really appreciate them sharing their knowledge and experience.
The general meeting saw information shared about the Social meetings, the Gallery, the Annual Exhibition, future workshops and our new look website.
There will be a date change for the April meeting which is due to fall on the Easter weekend. Therefore we have decided to bring to social meeting for that month forward a week to the 29th of March. Our next meeting will be the 1st March at the Gallery.
The Gallery is working really well, we have had record sales and this seems to be a continuing trend. Bonney and the hanging team are giving the Gallery a complete makeover this month. It was decided that this would happen every second month with no artwork changeover on the alternative months. So therefore the next change over of artworks will be the 29th March meeting. This will mean that the artworks currently in the Gallery will be there for two months.
The judge for the 28th Annual exhibition will be Christ Saines, Director of the Queensland Art Gallery/GOMA in Brisbane and we are delighted that he will be travelling to the Whitsundays to judge and critique works from local artists. This is a great opportunity so get those art works started.
The theme for the exhibition is ‘Climate Change?’ The remainder of the categories will appear on the website over the next couple of weeks along with entry forms and conditions once they are completely finalised.
It is hoped that a number of workshops leading up to the ANZAC Exhibition (which is being coordinated by Suzi from SmartArts) and our own Annual Exhibition will help to inspire and hone the skills of members. Keep an eye on the website for the details.
If you haven’t already visited the new look website, go to and check it out. Ross has been working very hard over the past 3 months and we are very pleased with the result. There may still be a few changes in days to come and we appreciate any positive or negative feedback you may have to help us continue the improvements. Michelle Andrews has volunteered to help out any members who are not yet represented in the online Gallery. She is preparing a self help video as well as making herself available at set times to help you get started. We will send out more information regarding this soon.
Looking forward to a productive and eventful year ahead.
Trash to Treasure Back Room Exhibition
Hi to All,
It was a huge day doing our first trial of a 2-month hang and gallery revamp (next will be Monday March 30 for April/May).
A very big thanks to the wonderful team today-veteran Tony Warfe, Peter Jennings, Paul Willcocks, Lyndy Hill, Michelle Andrews and of course our Linda.
We are excited with the new-look in the gallery, less impeded and more contemporary. With only 3 works per person we are able to achieve a slightly sparser look, giving works a bit more ' 'breathing space' and we hope you like it too.
Also thanks to the Upcycling workshoppers who were able to assist with hanging From Trash to Treasure in the Back Room. Please ensure these works are removed on Sunday March 1 in readiness for next Back Room show. Any works not removed will be stored in Store room.
Thanks to everyone for your cooperation and assistance.
Also I am seeking a back-up list of people I can call on should we be short to help in the 2-monthly gallery hangs and especially for the hang in June ( for June/July ) as I will be overseas, partly off for a professional commitment. Anyone who thinks they can offer anything please let me know.
New Look for our Website
Over the next few weeks I will be working with Ross to get our new look website up and running. You may find that there is an email or two sent through that look a little different and it is possible that these may end up in your junk mail. If this happens, select the email and follow the necessary steps in the email program that you use to identify this sender as 'Not Junk'.
If you experience difficulties please don't hesitate to email me on as usual.
We will let you know when the new website goes online and hopefully we won't have too many teething problems.
Art Whitsunday Inc.
Sunday Social Meeting
February Social Meeting
It was great to see so many people attend our first meeting of the year (...)
Trash to Treasure Back Room Exhibition
New Look for our Website
Over the next few weeks I will be working with Ross to get our new look website up and running (...)